Committees and advisers

The highest standards of corporate governance

The executive management team and the board of directors recognise the value and importance of maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance.

Our committees

The Board meets regularly to review, formulate and approve, among other things, the Group’s strategy, system of internal controls, budgets and corporate actions.

The Company has established an Audit Committee, Risk Committee, Nomination Committee and a Remuneration Committee with formally delegated duties and responsibilities and with written terms of reference. From time to time, separate committees may be set up by the Board to consider specific issues when the need arises.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee plays a pivotal role in our financial reporting and internal and external audit arrangements. The committee carries out its role by reviewing accounting policy and practice, ensuring the integrity and reliability of our financial information and transparency in our reporting. The committee oversees our annual internal and external (including CASS) audit plans and progress and engages regularly with both our internal and external auditor during our reporting cycle. The full terms of reference for the audit committee can be downloaded below

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee plays a pivotal role in our board appointment process and succession planning as well as the appointment process for some of our most senior people. The committee carries out its role by reviewing board structure and composition, paying particular attention to the skills, knowledge and experience of existing and potential board members and the diversity of the collective board. The committee will also review broader organisational design and diversity and inclusion for the group. The full terms of reference for the nomination committee can be downloaded below.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee plays a pivotal role in the determination of our remuneration policy and practice and its alignment to our culture, strategic objectives, board risk appetite and long-term stakeholder interests. The committee carries out this role by being alert to our values and regulatory obligations and developing remuneration packages for our executive and most senior people that are fair, motivate and support delivery of our business plan. The full terms of reference for the remuneration committee can be downloaded below.

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee plays a pivotal role in the oversight of our group risk management framework. The committee carries out its role by assessing the effectiveness of our group risk management, appetite and policy frameworks as well as overseeing the ongoing review and monitoring of our group risk universe, first line risk spotlights and compliance and financial crime activity. The committee promotes a risk aware culture and seeks to ensure risk based decision making processes within our group, aligned to board risk parameters. The full terms of reference for the risk committee can be downloaded below.

Company advisers

External auditors


20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DB

Public Relations

TB Cardew

5 Chancery Lane, London EC4A 1BL

Internal auditors


55 Baker Street, London, W1U 7EU