Our platform
Platform release 23
As we continue to invest in Nucleus Wrap, our third release of 2024, R23, was deployed on 15 July. This included proposition improvements as well as 12 maintenance bug fixes based on your feedback.

You said, we did
As a Nucleus Wrap user, you know we take your feedback seriously. Here are some other recent improvements we’ve made based on what you've said.
You said..
We did..
Adviser should be able to sign system generated crystallisation form.
To save you time and effort, we now accept adviser signatures on the system generated form to remove manual duplication of the same information.
Death claim declaration form could be clearer.
We’ve updated the form to make it easier to understand who needs to sign the form as well as improve the layout. This will help reduce confusion and errors.
Death process guide needs updating.
We’ve added more detail to the guide as well as a breakdown by wrapper type to make it clearer how best to manage your clients’ accounts.
Some of the platform user guides (NUGs) need updating.
We’ve made the following NUG improvements:
- Bed and ISA
- How to request drawdown for a pension
- How to request immediate drawdown for a new business case
- Trading