Our platform
Investments at Nucleus
We’ve always focused on greater alignment between adviser and client needs and realise there is no one-size-fits-all solution. This is why we provide an open architecture approach to our platform.
We regularly add new funds to the platform and are happy to consider new requests as long as we can administer them. Combined with our integrated portfolio reporting tool Narrate, this allows you to tailor a service specifically for your client and improve efficiencies within your firm.
Cash panel
We offer access to a diverse range of assets and investment solutions suiting all risk types. If your clients want their spare cash to work harder in the medium to long term, we offer a range of investment options including access to cash funds, gilts, and lower risk rated model portfolios managed by discretionary fund managers. We also offer access to competitive fixed term deposits through Bondsmith, an FCA regulated provider of cash solutions. Contact your RBDD for more information.
Discretionary fund managers
We have over 100 discretionary fund managers (DFMs) running their portfolios on the platform with their investment management fees being paid directly from the client's cash account. It’s simple to use one of our DFM partners, with an initial agreement starting the process.
2022-2023 Consolidated tax voucher (CTV) offshore reporting
The UK offshore funds tax reporting rules apply to investment funds located outside of the UK.
We've created a list of funds that come within the definition of an offshore fund and that have successfully applied to HMRC for reporting fund status.
Fund news
Get all of the latest fund news, including fund suspensions, mergers and closures in our fund news section.
Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR)
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have introduced additional requirements in respect of asset managers who make sustainability related claims about their products and services. The FCA’s aim with the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and the associated investment labels regime is to ensure that financial products marketed as sustainable do as they claim and can evidence these claims.
The FCA have found that consumers experience difficulty in identifying products that align with their sustainability preferences. To rectify this, they have introduced investment labels, to help consumers differentiate between different sustainability objectives and different investment approaches to achieve those objectives.
The FCA have created a customer facing webpage which provides an overview of the changes. This might be helpful for your conversations with your clients.

Please note that the new regulations apply to UK funds, investment trusts and ETFs. Overseas funds are excluded from the scope of the regulations.
The rules do not currently apply to investment managers providing portfolio management services (e.g. model portfolios) yet, but the FCA intend to publish the final rules in Q2 2025 which will bring these services into scope.
What’s changing?
From 31 July 2024, Asset managers can commence utilising the investment labels and customer facing disclosures to make clear to consumers how their product seeks to achieve positive sustainability outcomes.
From 2 December 2024, Asset managers who are using sustainability related terms in the naming or marketing of their products without a label must provide sustainability information explaining how it’s invested and why it doesn’t have a label.
If you have any questions regarding the investment labels or information contained within disclosure documents, please contact the Asset manager in the first instance.
To assist you with identifying assets which are using the new labels and/or have published SDR disclosures we have enhanced the research tab of the Nucleus Wrap platform to accommodate these changes.
Where you are providing advice to clients on ‘in scope’ funds, we ask that you provide any sustainability documentation where applicable.