Curtis Banks tax year end hub

Making sure you have all the pieces for tax year end
To help you and your clients get ready for tax year end, here you’ll find everything you need including key dates and deadlines as well as essential literature.
Curtis Banks key dates and deadlines

- Last day for regular contributions with 1 April collection date
- Last day for new drawdown requests for PCLS and income/UFPLS *1
- Last day for regular and one-off income payments (cash to be available) *2
- Last day for new SIPP applications *3
- Last day for single contributions
*1 Where cash is available for the PCLS payment. Where cash is not available or investments are held through investment managers or investment partners, we will be reliant on third parties and cannot be guaranteed. Valuation of property and non-standard investments may impact this deadline.
*2 If disinvestments or return of funds are required, these will be reliant on third parties and must be considered in lead times.
*3 Establishment cannot be guaranteed unless all requirements are met.
Please note:
Deadlines quoted are for requests in full, where no further information is required.
If your client wants to take tax- free cash or income before tax year end and needs to disinvest assets to do so, please make sure you have checked the requirements and cut-off dates of all firms involved, paying particular attention to any transactions that require original documents.
Applications must be fully completed with no outstanding or missing requirements.
Supporting documents
Find everything you need to make tax year end run smoothly including contribution and application forms.