Nucleus Wrap tax year end hub

Making sure you have all the pieces for tax year end
Here you'll find the key dates and deadlines, essential literature as well as some handy hints and tips to keep you on track.
Nucleus Wrap key dates and deadlines
- Last day to submit a request to set up a regular pension income to commence in the 2024-25 tax year, where a disinvestment is required.
- Last day for sells to be submitted to allow time for settlement if arranging pension taxable lump sum in 2024-25.
- Last day for sells to be submitted to allow time for settlement if arranging an inter-account transfer (General to Pension or General to Isa).
- Last day to submit a request to set up a regular pension income to commence in the 2024-25 tax year, where cash is available.
- Last day for receipt of pension taxable lump sum instructions. There must be enough available cash in the account to meet the gross income amount.
- Last day to arrange a BACS payment to us, which can take up to three business days to clear.
- Last day to send applications for 2024-25 tax year. We recommend sending any applications via secure Jira messaging, however, if you need to post an application, we recommend sending by special delivery to guarantee receipt. We don’t accept hand deliveries.
- Last day for receipt of inter-account transfer applications where there is enough available cash in the General account.
- Last day for pension income for current tax year 2024-25 to be processed.
- All pension income requests processed from today will be classed as 2025-26 tax year.
- Last day for a CHAPS payment to be sent to us*.
- Last day for receipt of a BACs/direct credit payment sent to us*.
- Last day for physical receipt of a cheque*, and correct complete application documentation.
- Last day for all trades to be ordered on the General account for a Bed and Isa application to be classed as a 2024-25 subscription, subject to trading times.
*Please note that where funds have been received but we haven’t received all the necessary documents to apply funds to the account, they may be applied in the next 2025-26 tax year, however the effective date of the application will be in the 2024-25 tax year.
These are our trading deadlines, but they’ll also be subject to individual fund manager trading times. Please check asset information in the fund report on the platform.
- Winterflood at 10am and 3pm
- Direct with fund managers 9am and 11am
We can’t accept any responsibility for delays, errors or omissions outside our control that may lead to the ISA application or pension income payments missing the 2024-25 tax year. In case of any postal delays, we recommend sending cheques in plenty of time and recorded where possible. Alternatively, monies can be sent via direct credit instead.
Supporting documents
Find everything you need to make tax year end run smoothly including declaration forms, guides, factsheets and handy hints and tips.
This guide gives your clients everything they need to know about sending money to us so it gets to the right place at the right time.
Tax year end is a busy time. Our hints and tips help make things as straightforward as possible for you and your clients.
RL360 processing deadline dates for the Nucleus Offshore Bond
Partial segment surrenders
For partial segment surrenders, we'll automatically place sales to provide available cash for the segment surrender withdrawal on a pro rata basis, ignoring any available cash on the account. Placing sales in advance of submitting the client instruction will therefore delay our ability to place these sales and may delay payment to the client. For withdrawal requests across all segments and full surrender requests, please place sales to make cash available for withdrawal. Failure to do this may delay the payment being made.
New business applications
Friday 28 March 2025 is the last day for receipt of fully completed clean new business applications and cleared funds to be received at RL360’s office in the Isle of Man. Any applications received after this may not be issued until the 2025-26 tax year.
Deadlines for assignments and encashments
- Assignments and subsequent segment surrenders
- Assignments and subsequent withdrawals across all segments
- Segment surrenders
- Withdrawals across all segments
- Assignments
If all requirements are not received by the date above, the transaction may not be processed until the 2025-26 tax year.

Write to us
Our correspondence address is:
Nucleus client relations
PO Box 26968
G2 9DY

Give us a call
Call us from 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday on
0131 226 9535

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Chat instantly with us by clicking on the Live chat icon on our contact page.