Customer upgrade support

Frequently asked questions

A small number of existing James Hay products are not upgrading to the new Nucleus Platform. These are:

  • Aviva (Friends Life) scheme
  • IPS (2008) SIPP
  • IPS Pension Builder SIPP
  • IPS Family SIPP
  • Partnership SIPP
  • Phoenix scheme
  • Sarum scheme

You won't be able to place any instructions within the restricted trading period. Full details of the deadlines will be available on the 'Temporary changes to our service' page of our Customer upgrade support online hub in advance. We've written to you with some initial information about this and will write again to confirm specific deadline dates soon.

To log into your online account, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit James Hay Online at
  2. Enter your login details (username and password)
  3. Click “Log In”

If you’re unsure of your username and password, please call our team on 03455 212414 and we’ll be able to assist.

If you have a James Hay Online account which you’ve used in the last 12 months, then a new account will automatically be set up for you on the new Nucleus Platform. You won’t be able to access the platform until after the upgrade weekend. After the upgrade, you’ll only be able to see your account information on the new Nucleus Platform – the information will no longer be available from James Hay Online.

The first time you log in, you’ll be asked to enter your existing login credentials which will be used to verify your identity. You’ll then need to set up new details. If you don’t have an active James Hay Online account, you can register as a new user.

We're making a multi-million-pound investment in upgrading our service to you. As part of major changes to our systems, your product is moving to our new, improved platform. Find out more on the 'What will be different' tab.

You'll receive a few letters from us before the upgrade takes place. Our first letter was sent last August, notifying of the changes and that updated terms and conditions will apply on the new Nucleus Platform. A second letter was sent late last year and a further update will sent shortly. A final letter confirming the date of the upgrade will be mailed to you approx. 60 days before the change takes place.

Online content covering additional detail about our plans is available on the 'Keeping you informed' tab. 

If you haven’t accessed your account in over 12 months, you won’t now be able to access it for security reasons.

Please call our team on 03455 212414 for assistance. They’ll take you through the security checks and reinstate your access.

If you have any questions, we always recommend you speak with a professional adviser in the first instance, if you have one. Alternatively, you can contact us.

As we get closer to the upgrade date there are a few changes you’ll want to be aware of and actions you’ll need to take. Read more on the 'Actions you need to take' tab.

We'll do our best to avoid changing the date once we've notified you of it. However if we do need to, we'll write to you again confirming the new expected dates and what it means for the changes to our standard service.  

Account numbers for all products upgrading to the new platform will change. After you've upgraded to the new platform, we'll write to you again confirming your new account number.

You'll retain any investment options that you're currently using, although some asset types won't be available for new investments. The current Select and Collect funds will be replaced by a competitively priced and wider range of platform assets, including a large range of UK Exchange Traded Instruments (ETI).

After upgrading to the new Nucleus Platform, updated Terms and Conditions will apply. If you don’t wish to change to our new terms for any reason, you have the option to transfer out. If we’re unable to complete the transfer of your products before they’re upgraded to our new platform, we’ll honour the existing terms and conditions while the transfer is completed.

We no longer apply exit fees if you choose to leave any of our products. Charges for transferring a property do, however, continue to apply.

All products in the scope of this change will be upgraded, including those where a transfer out is in progress. We’ll continue to work to complete the transfer as quickly as possible and we’ll reimburse if you are negatively impacted by any changes in price resulting from the upgrade.

We've shared details when trades will need to be completed ahead of the upgrade - please refer to our 'Changes to standard service' flyer for details. If there's an issue or delay that means the trade may not settle before the upgrade we'll ensure your assets are moved over as if they were settled in time.

We don’t have a date for that yet. We’ll share our plans with you as soon as we can.

As part of the upgrade, you’ll be able to see all transactions from the past five years on the new platform. You won’t be able to see your product history on James Hay Online after the upgrade so we recommend you login and get any information you might need before the upgrade. Don't worry, we can always help with any historic information requests after you've been upgraded.

We have extensive testing and quality assurance checks to carry out and until these processes are completed we can't confirm the exact date that the upgrade will take place.  We'll update you soon.

The platform upgrade and new branding are part of our wider Nucleus group strategy to grow our business and improve the online service we offer.

This means you benefit from the combined scale, expertise and technological know-how of all our platform businesses.

All customers included in the upgrade will be set up on the new platform with the paper-based communication option. This preference can be updated on the platform at any time.

All customers pay an annual platform charge which is either a fixed fee, a percentage of assets or a combination of both. You may pay other charges depending on the products you have, the assets you trade in and specific events. 

You can find your current charges in your existing James Hay charges schedule.

As a result of the changes, many customers will pay less and some will see an increase. We’ve simplified our pricing, to make it easier to understand the charges you pay, and details are set out in the new charges schedule you received. 

If you’d like help to understand your charges, please speak with your adviser if you have one or alternatively get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to assist.

After the upgrade, all correspondence and statements will be sent directly to you. It won't be possible for you to choose for it to be sent to an adviser or other third party. To avoid any issues, please ensure your address details are up to date.

We'll have new bank account numbers for you to make payments to. You'll also be allocated a new product account number which should also be used as the reference for payments.

Details of these will be sent to you after the upgrade. In the meantime, please continue to make payments as normal.

Yes - you'll be able to submit one off crystallisations with us directly using a paper application. Alternatively, your adviser will be able to submit both one off and phased drawdown requests online.

Yes - following the upgrade we'll apply tax relief on eligible pension contributions when these are applied to your account.

In the days before the upgrade of your product, there’ll be some changes to our standard service – this is to ensure the upgrade is as smooth as possible. We’re keeping these to a minimum and hope they don’t inconvenience you too much.

You won't be able to place any instructions within the restricted trading period. Full details of the deadlines will be available on the 'Temporary changes to our service' page of our Customer upgrade support online hub in advance. We've written to you with some initial information about this and will write again to confirm specific deadline dates soon.

We're here to help

If you've further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

send us a secure message via James Hay Online
call us on 03455 212 414